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- Sudan Croc Dispatch🐊28: Blessed Bounties
Sudan Croc Dispatch🐊28: Blessed Bounties
African Lion in Dinder National Park, East of Sudan. Source:https://www.instagram.com/p/CISnZ5UHXpN/?igsh=YnNtdDJzM21uencx. Captured by Wizziy-Alfatih
Hello there dear reader and welcome to the 28th issue from Sudan Croc Dispatch where you will read the monthly newsletter about business, tourism, travel, finance, technology, opportunities, and events in Sudan for May/2024.
Nile Bank agreed with Sohar International Bank to work together in the industry of gold mining and the industry of regular commerce (exports and imports, and trade exchange between Sudan and Oman) 🇸🇩🇴🇲
Source: Nile Bank, April/23/2024
Travel & Tourism
Travel & Tourism in Articles
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Travel & Tourism in Infographics & Photos
English version below⬇️
لم تنسى الصحافةُ العالميَّةُ الحرب في السودان فقط، بل تَجَاهَلتها.
الآن، وبالعودة إلى مستويات الهجرة والنزوح، فإن التراث الحيّ مُهَدَّد بالزوال حتى بين السودانيين أنفسهم ما لم تتحوَّل المحافظة عليه إلى فعلٍ مُجْدٍ.
يَجب أن ننقل التراث والثقافة بأفعالٍ… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
5:23 PM • Apr 15, 2024
English version below⬇️
للسودان حضور بارز في المؤسسات الأرشيفية بداخل وخارج السودان، منها:1. دار الوثائق القومية
دار الوثائق القومية هي دار المحفوظات القومية للسودان، وهي مؤسسة مخصَّصة لحفظ الوثائق والمحفوظات الحكومية، بالإضافة إلى حفظ مجموعة كبيرة ومتنوعة من المستندات… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
6:39 PM • Apr 19, 2024
English version below⬇️
مفهوم "الأرشيف" ما بيقتصر على المؤسسات الرسمية البتقوم بجمع المحفوظات وصونها وبس، بل بيشمل الأرشيفات الخاصة والشخصية، والممكن تكون على شكل ألبومات بتجمع صور من فترات وأحداث مختلفة من حياتنا.
وممكن تكون فِضِّية معروض فيها صور وقطع مهمة وعندها قيمة خاصة… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
6:16 PM • Apr 22, 2024
English version below⬇️
من أجسامنا لي ممتلكاتنا ومساكِنَّا، بنستخدم العلامات كطريقة تنظيمية، لتمييز قطيع الإبل مثلاً، أو كرسالة سياسيّة أو زي الجال بالنسبة لفن الجدران “الجرافيتي”، أو لأسباب جمالية زي في حالة الشلوخ القَبَلِيَّة أو الحِنّاء. المشترك هو أننا كسودانيين قادرين… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
7:32 PM • Apr 21, 2024
English version below⬇️
يوم المتاحف العالمي
- رفع الوعي.
- إبراز دور المتاحف كعوامل للتغيير الإيجابي.
- تعزيز الصِلَات بين المتاحف والمجتمعات.
- دعم وتشجيع التبادل الثقافي كمُحفِّز لنشر السلام بين الناس.
- تنفيذ أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة.International Museum Day
-… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
5:48 PM • May 18, 2024
To celebrate International Museums Day, we are posting our story of the Western Sudan Community Museum (WSCM) project, which started in November 2018. Three badly neglected museums in Nyala, El Obeid and Omdurman began on a programme of building and collection restoration and… x.com/i/web/status/1…
— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
10:10 AM • May 18, 2024
English version below⬇️
إحدى أهدافنا في مشروع حفظ تراث السودان الحي هو تشجيع المتاحف حول العالم لعرض مجموعتنا الفنية و كذلك أعمال مختلف الفنانين السودانين.
إحدى أعمال الفنان عدلان يوسف وهو تمثال مصنوع من الحديد الخردة يُجسِّد إمرأة سودانية تحمِل فوق رأسها حملاً و هذا المنظر… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
7:16 PM • May 17, 2024
English version below⬇️
فنان الخزفيات محمد أبّارو (١٩٣٥-٢٠١٦) ولد شرق جبال النوبة في السودان. بعد تخرّجه من كلية الخرطوم للفنون الجميلة والتطبيقية (١٩٥٧م)، انتقل أبّارو إلى المملكة المتحدة في عام ١٩٦٢م، وانضمَّ إلى المدرسة المركزية للفنون في لندن.
منذ عام ١٩٦٦م، عمل من الأستديو… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
5:33 PM • May 11, 2024
English version below⬇️
تنمو شجرة البلانيت إيجيبتياكا، أو شجرة الَّالوبا، في منطقة السافانا في السودان. واستخدموا الشجرة وثمارها لقرون لأغراض مختلفة؛ استفادوا من الخشب، وأوراقها ممكن يطبخوها في ملاح، وممكن تستخدم ثمارها كملين طبيعي. في السودان، بيذكرنا اسم الالوبا باستخدام فريد،… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
1:06 PM • May 1, 2024
English version below⬇️
وُجدت أم درمان منذ العصور الحجرية، لكن التاريخ المكتوب لم يذكرها حتى القرن ١٧. سَكَنها التجار لمرور أحد أهم طرق التجارة في إفريقيا بها، فقد رَبَط الطريق غرب إفريقيا والسودان، ومنه إلى العالم.١٨٨٤م
تم التخطيط لتحرير الخرطوم على مرحلتين؛ أولاً،… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
5:02 PM • Apr 30, 2024
English version below⬇️
بعد وفاة المهدي، أمَر الخليفة المواطنين بإخلاء الخرطوم والانتقال إلى أم درمان، للابتعاد عن عاصمة الأعداء، وفضَّل أم درمان لطبيعتها الجغرافية الجيدة، ولموقعها الاستراتيجيّ المميز في طريق التجارة والحج.١٨٩٨م
أظهر الأنصار قدراً كبيراً من السؤدد… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
5:02 PM • Apr 30, 2024
English version below⬇️
للأسف اذا ما اهتمينا بعاداتنا وتقاليدنا السودانية، حنفقد هويتنا هويتنا قريب شديد!Unfortunately, if we don't pay attention to our Sudanese customs and traditions, we will lose our identity very soon!
#شوف_تراث_السودان#تراثنا_سودانا #ارشيف#توثيق… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
8:39 AM • Apr 25, 2024
Jebel Totil rises 947 meters above sea level in Red Sea State! A wander on this mountain will have you encountering diverse wildlife, lush greenery, the finest jabana, as well as tales of ancient civilisations engraved in its rocky terrain! 🐒☕️⛰
Via @moe_elmahdi/TikTok
— Lovin Khartoum (@lovinkhartoum)
6:17 PM • May 7, 2024
Travel & Tourism in Headlines
Abdulfattah Al-Burhan - Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces - instructed the Governor of the River Nile State to renovate and prepare Atbara’s International Airport to be ready for international civil airplanes trips
Source: Aljazeera, May/2024
Tarco Aviation started offering two trips between Port Sudan and Muscat (every Friday and Monday)
Source: Tarco Aviation, May/2024
Government initiated trips for returnees from Kassala to Omdurman via travel buses
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
Police declared the resume of its operations in various police stations around Omdurman
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
Sudan Air will start trips between Port Sudan and Jeddah in the upcoming days
Source: Wakeep, May/2024
Civil defense forces started cleaning and sanitizing Omdurman to make it habitable for its residents to return to it
Source: Wakeep, May/2024
Sudan Railways Company declared that the lane of (Atbara, Abu Hamad, and Wadi Halfa) is now operating and has entered service
Soruce: Sudan Plus, May/2024
Public transportation returned to service in Omdurman (Lane Omdurman Maket-Thawra Bilnos)
Source: Wakeep, May/2024
Transport chamber decided to freeze all trips to and from Atbara travel bus station due to deformity and malfunction of many vital aspects in it
Source: Wakeep, May/2024
Curfew is enforced in the River Nile State between 9 pm and 5 am
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
A group of journalists from the New York Times visited Sheikh Al-Amin Omar in Omdurman
Source: Wakeep, May/2024
Tirhal mobile taxi app restored its services of taxi trips by male drivers for all passengers from all genders(male. female), taxi trips by female drivers for female passengers, and delivery of orders.
Source: Tirhal, May/2024
The travel road lane (Dinder, Hawwata, Gedaref) has begun its construction
Source: AlJazeera, May/2024
Business in Articles
Business in Videos
Business in Infographics & Photos
Business in Headlines
Tarco Aviation opened an office in Muscat, Oman to facilitate the shipping of personal and commercial packages between Port Sudan and Muscat.
The office is reachable at: 0096895550996, 0096892425534
Source: Tarco Aviation, May/2024
Electricity problems in River Nile State were fixed
Source: Wakeep, May/2024
Ukraine shipped a gift of 14,600 tonnes of wheat to Sudan
Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May/2024
Central Bank of Sudan lifts ban from 163 companies in the field of exports and imports
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
85% of factories around Sudan are out of service
Source: AlSharq Sudan, May/2024
Sudanese company of free duty zones and markets restarted its operations in Omdurman
Source: Aljazeera, May/2024
Operations were restored in El-Obeid hospital
Source: Hash Sudan, May/2024
Finance in Articles
Finance in Infographics & Photos
Finance in Headlines
Sudan and Qatar agree to build a gold refinery in Doha, Qatar to facilitate the export and trade of gold from Sudan to the rest of the world
Source: Aljazeera, May/2024
The government started paying the salaries of July/2023 to its employees in the public sector in the state of Khartoum
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
The Ministry of Mineral Resources forces independent gold miners in the Northern State to issue a gold mining license
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
Central Bank of Sudan gives 250 companies a notice of two months to deposit in the bank the revenue they received from their exports
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
The gold mining operations during the time of the war by the government is carried out in four states: Northern, Blue Nile, Red Sea, and Kassala
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
The gold mining operations during the time of the war by the private companies is carried out in the states of: Gedarif, River Nile, Khartoum
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
Gold exports between November/2023 and April/2024 weigh around 8.6432 tonnes and was worth of 572 million American Dollars
Source: Sudan Plus, May/2024
MIG money exchange declared that it would be operating during the evening in Port Sudan from Saturday and Thursday from 6 pm to 10:30 pm to facilitate further the service of international money transfers using Western Union to and from Sudan
MIG money exchange, May/2024
MIG money exchange declared that it has opened a new branch in Wadi Street, Omdurman, Khartoum State opposite to Bank of Khartoum in Al-Abraj Bus Stop.
Source: MIG money exchange, May/2024
The price of cooking gas cylinders (12.5 kg) is set to around 18.67 USD
Source: Aljazeera, May/2024
Sudan Taxation authority of Khartoum declared the restart of its operations in the capital city of Khartoum
Source: AlJazeera, May/2024
Bank of Blue Nile Mashreg Bank opened a new branch in Wadi Halfa
Source: Blue Nile Mashreg Bank, May/2024
Bank of Khartoum declared restarted its operations in its branch at Al-Goled
Source: Bank of Khartoum, May/2024
Omdurman National Bank opened a new branch in the Grand Market at Port Sudan
Source: Omdurman National Bank, May/2024
Bank of Khartoum raised the max amount for daily transfers to 15 million Sudanese Pounds (11,811 USD approximately) and it raised the max amount for each transaction to be 3 million Sudanese Pounds(2,362 USD approximately)
Source: Bank of Khartoum, May/2024
Faisal Islamic Bank raised the max amount for daily transfers to 15 million Sudanese Pounds (11,811 USD approximately) and it raised the max amount for each transaction to be 3 million Sudanese Pounds(2,362 USD approximately)
Source: Faisal Islamic Bank, May/2024
Omdurman National Bank aised the max amount for daily transfers to 15 million Sudanese Pounds (11,811 USD approximately) and it raised the max amount for each transaction to be 3 million Sudanese Pounds(2,362 USD approximately)
Source: Omdurman National Bank, May/2024
Technology in Articles
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Technology in Infographics & Photos
Past Events
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Tenders, RFPs, RFQs, Bids
Fellowships and Scholarships
Contests, Awards, and Festivals
That’s it for this month. Don’t forget to share this newsletter with your friends, family, and those who’re interested.
Ahmed El-Affendi.