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  • Sudan Croc Dispatch🐊27: Uranium beyond measure, & Gold beyond measure. Beyond all measures!

Sudan Croc Dispatch🐊27: Uranium beyond measure, & Gold beyond measure. Beyond all measures!

Shehab, a sudanese entrepreneur standing in the midst of a wheat field in Sudan. Source: https://twitter.com/Shihabfaisal11/status/1778484762585256339?t=V7t4xKo-4Hr_yExY_eaUEw&s=19

Hello there dear reader and welcome to the 27th issue from Sudan Croc Dispatch where you will read the monthly newsletter about business, tourism, travel, finance, technology, opportunities, and events in Sudan for April/2024.


Did you know that the 3rd largest resovoir for Uranium in the entire planet Earth is in Sudan?

Yup you've read it correctly. The 3rd largest resovoir of Uranium in the ENTIRE PLANET EARTH IS INSIDE SUDAN ☢️🇸🇩☢️

Source: AlJazeera

Travel & Tourism

Travel & Tourism in Articles

Travel & Tourism in Videos


أبرز الأماكن السياحية في السودان 🇸🇩❤️ #رحلة_Rihla #استمتع_واعرف_سياحة_السودان #السودان #الخرطوم #اكسبلور #sudan #explore #khartoum

Travel and Tourism in Photos and Infographics

Travel & Tourism in Social Media

Travel & Tourism in Headlines

  • Lemon Taxi App declared the restoration of its operations in Port Sudan again for the first time since the war broke in April/2023

    • Source: Lemon Taxi, April/2024

  • Karari Emergency room warns from ruffian dogs in Karari locality in Omdurman

    • Source: Hash Sudan, April/2024

  • Minister of transport declared that trips via White Nile River to and from South Sudan will be restored soon

    • Source: Hash Sudan, April/2024


Business in Articles

Business in Infographics & Photos

Business in Social Media

Business in Headlines

  • Potato crops succeeded in growing in Blue Nile State

    • Source: AlJazeera, April/2024

  • Australian Mining companies expressed their interest in mining gold in Sudan

    • Source: Hash Sudan, April/2024


Finance in Articles

Finance in Infographics & Photos

Finance in Podcasts

Finance in Headlines

  • Blue Nile Mashreg Bank opened a new branch in Atbara

  • Source: Blue Nile Mashreg Bank, April/2024

Finance in Social Media


Technology in Articles

Technology in Videos

Technology in Infographics & Photos

Technology in Headlines

  • Starlink Internet devices by SpaceX are available to be sold delivered in both Port Sudan and Atbara at Joleen Store for around 2000 USD

    • Source: Joleen Store, April/2024


Tenders, RFPs, RFQs, Bids

Grants and Funding

Digital Rights Fund for WANA Over the years, SMEX has documented and reported online human rights violations in West Asia…

AECF - Sudan SME Catalyser Program - برنامج تحفيز الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في السودان

Welcome to the Sudan SME Catalyser Program application form. This form contains questions designed to gather information that will assist us in the participant selection process. We kindly request accurate details to facilitate classification and evaluation. The program aims to support businesses by providing financial guidance and assistance. After this initial phase, technical guidance and selection will follow. You can complete the application in either Arabic or English. The Sudan SME Catalyser is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through and is implemented by African Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) in partnership with 249Startups. مرحباً بك في استمارة طلب المشاركة في برنامج السودان لتحفيز المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة. يحتوي هذا النموذج على أسئلة مصممة لجمع المعلومات التي ستساعدنا في عملية اختيار المشاركين. نرجو التكرم بطلب تفاصيل دقيقة لتسهيل التصنيف والتقييم. يهدف البرنامج إلى دعم الشركات من خلال توفير التوجيه والمساعدة المالية. بعد هذه المرحلة الأولية، سيتبع ذلك التوجيه الفني والاختيار. يمكنك إكمال الطلب إما باللغة العربية أو الإنجليزية. يتم تمويل برنامج تحفيز الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في السودان من قبل الوزارة الاتحادية للتعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية من خلال صندوق تحدي المشاريع الأفريقي بالشراكة مع 249Startups، ويتم تنفيذه من قبل صندوق تحدي المشاريع الأفريقي.




Fellowships and Scholarships


That’s it for this month. Don’t forget to share this newsletter with your friends, family, and those who’re interested.


Ahmed El-Affendi.


or to participate.