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- Abkraig Dispatch🐊32: Shanyraks Over the Horizon
Abkraig Dispatch🐊32: Shanyraks Over the Horizon
Cooca Tree grown in Darfur. Source: Wakeep
Hello there dear reader and welcome to the 32nd issue from Abkraig Dispatch where you will read the monthly newsletter about business, tourism, travel, finance, technology, opportunities, and events in Sudan for September/2024.
Zain Sudan is to be the first telecom company in Sudan to offer internet data plans to its consumers that would reach up to 1 Tera Byte
Table of Contents
Travel & Tourism
Travel & Tourism in Articles
Travel & Tourism in Videos
Travel & Tourism in Infographics & Photos
Good food is one language we can all speak 🍽️ No matter where you’re from! 😍😂
📹Video via @ikerthebeaner, @_teemoooo
— Lovin Khartoum (@lovinkhartoum)
10:06 AM • Aug 27, 2024
From rolling green landscapes to breathtaking mountains—Sudan’s natural beauty is a sight to behold 🌿🏔️
Via TT: @lylynour8
— Lovin Khartoum (@lovinkhartoum)
11:24 AM • Sep 4, 2024
painted Jars
1st century BC, Meroitic period.
Karanog, lower Nubia.
-Penn Museum
#randomxtdecoration on the first jar; two wreaths, swans, trees, and "tables of the sun"
second jar; plant motifs, vines, birds, and a silhouette of an animal with antlers— isaac Samuel (@rhaplord)
5:59 PM • Aug 30, 2024
English version below⬇️
قائمة للقراءة:
قام فريق التحرير لدينا بتجميع قائمة توصيات الكتب هذه، إليك مجموعة من الكتب التي كتبتها كاتبات سودانيات مختلفات في السنوات الأخيرة.١-"فم مملوء بالملح" للروائية ريم جعفر
(كتب الساقي، ٢٠٢٤)
تدور أحداث هذه الرواية في الثمانينيات، وتحكي قصة… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
2:56 PM • Sep 8, 2024
English version below⬇️
العمدة محمد زكريا علي اربد شيخ قبيلة الداجو والمؤرخ القبلي البروفيسور عبد النبي عبد الله جمعة عرمان يتحدثون عن قبيلة الداجو وأهمية سلبكتا جبل الداجو.
تاريخ تصوير الفلم: ٢٠١٨Omda Mohammed Zacaria Ali Arbad, chief of the Dajo tribe and the tribal historian… x.com/i/web/status/1…
— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
1:06 PM • Sep 7, 2024
English version below⬇️
أصدقاء مجلة الصبيان:
اختلف أصدقاء الصبيان، فمنهم من كان يقرؤها أسبوعياً ومنهم من كان ينتظرها شهرياً، ومنهم من وجد أعداداً مخزَّنة يحفها التراب في منازلهم وتناولوها ليقرأوا أعدادها الكثيرة متتابعة.
لم يقتصر محيط أصدقاء الصبيان على الخرطوم، بل وصلت المجلة… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
2:56 PM • Sep 6, 2024
English version below⬇️
مَتحف شيكان المجتمعي فكرة، والأفكار لا تموت!
التحيَّة لكلّ من ظلَّ مؤمناً بالفكرة وثابر على تدوين التراث الحي في الأبيض رغم الظروف.
مصدر الصور :
مارك واتمور
أماني بشير
محمد مصطفى جوجو
محمد محمود، منظمة إمباكت يوثThe Sheikan Community Museum is an idea,… x.com/i/web/status/1…
— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
10:51 AM • Sep 6, 2024
English version below⬇️
مناظر طبيعية لجبل كردفان، وهو تل يقع غرب مدينة الأبيض وأشجار التبلدي التي تعتبر رمز ولاية كردفان.
تم تصوير الفلم في العام ٢٠١٨Landscape views of Jebel Kordofan, a hill to the West of El Obeid and Boabab trees, which are the state symbol of Kordofan.
Film… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
3:19 PM • Aug 31, 2024
English version below⬇️
استوحى العديد من الفنانين السودانيين أعمالهم من البيئة الطبيعية المُحِيطَة بهم. يستخدم فنانون، مثل معتز الفاتح، حبوب البُن المطحونة وأوراق الشاي والنباتات وقشور الفاكهة لإنشاء الألوان، والتي يستخدمونها في لوحاتهم. ويصور آخرون، مثل صلاح المر، ذكريات الطفولة… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
2:06 PM • Aug 29, 2024
English version below⬇️
يُعتَبَر فصل الخريف هو الموسم المطير في معظم أجزاء السودان، وقد ارتبطت به العديد من المعارف المحلية والمتعلقة بمواقيت الزراعة والرعي والرحيل، وقد استَمَدَّت المعارفُ المحلية من الأبراج ومواقع النجوم دلائل ومسمَّيَات للفصل؛ فمثلاً يقولون إن الخريف يبدأ… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
3:34 PM • Aug 27, 2024
English version below⬇️
الأستاذ جماع المهدي وفريقه خلال عملية حصر عنصر "مهارة صناعة الأقاشي في مدينة الأبيض"، في إطار مشروع صون تراث السودان الحي وبالتعاون مع المجلس الأعلى للثقافة والإعلام والرياضة، والإدارة العامة للآثار والمتاحف-مكتب شمال كردفان.Mr. Gamaa El-Mahdi and his… x.com/i/web/status/1…
— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
12:49 PM • Aug 26, 2024
English version below⬇️
أَدرَجَ الاتحاد الدولي لحفظ الطبيعة حيوان "أم قرفة"، والمعروف باسم آكل النمل الحُرشفي، في القائمة الحمراء للأنواع المُهدَّدَة، حيث أنه، من بين ثمانية أنواع منها، تم إدراج أربعة على قائمة المعرضة للخطر، وإثنين آخرين كمُهدَّدَة بالانقراض، واثنان كمهدَّدَة… x.com/i/web/status/1…— Our Heritage Our Sudan - تراثنا سوداننا (@sslh_online)
1:01 PM • Aug 25, 2024
Travel & Tourism in Headlines
A new passports factory was build in Atbara, and it will be printing out the passports for the residents of those cities: Atbara, Shendi, Matamma, Wadi Halfa, Karari, Merawi, Dongola
Source: Sudanese Police, Sept/2024
Lemon Taxi offers the service of ordering taxi rides via voice calls if the internet connection isn’t stable through those cell numbers: 00249922000997, 00249100100003
Source: Lemon Taxi, Sept/2024
Civil aviation in Sudan studies the resume of Turkish Airlines operations in Sudan
Source: Turkish Ambassador in Port Sudan, Sept/2024
A new Turkish ambassador “Fatih Yeldiz” was appointed to Sudan
Source: Wakeep, Sept/2024
Government of the State of Khartoum offers free malaria medicine and medical checkup
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
A specialized skiing playground has opened in Shendi
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
Government of the State of Khartoum banned all tea ladies from working after 5 pm
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
The police branch of Omdurman locality restarted its operations
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
The travel road between Atbara and Haya is available again for usage
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
Travel and shipping trips between Sudan and Egypt via Nile River ships will start from next month
Source: Sama Alsudan, Sept/2024
Sudanese ambassador to Moscow “Mohammed Al-Ghazali” was appointed to be the new Sudanese ambassador to Kazakhstan (serving from Moscow)
Source: Hash Sudan, Sept/2024
Sudan and Qatar are to build a new air navigation center in Port Sudan
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
An epidemic of malaria has spread in Burri District of Khartoum
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
Petrol stations of Omdurman restarted its operations again after being paralyzed for a whole year
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
Hassan Abdulsalam was appointed to be the new Sudanese Ambassador to Vietnam
Source: Wakeep, Sept/2024
Ordering and delivering Sudanese Passports for Sudanese residents in Bahrain is available now via the Sudanese Embassy in Manama
Source: Ministry of Interior, Sept/2024
1041 people were infected by Cholera in River Nile State
Source: Beam Reports, Sept/2024
Dengue fever is now spread in Soba Sharq neighborhood in Khartoum
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
Ministry of Health declares that there are more than 5000 active cases of Cholera amongst the nation
Source: Sudan Plus, Sept/2024
Turkish Ambassador - Fatih Yildiz - visited Port Sudan Airport to evaluate the starting of direct flights between Istanbul and Port Sudan
Source: Turkish Ambassador to Sudan, Sept/2024
A 300 years old Sudanese Sulcata Tortoise was shot dead by the terrorist Rapid Support Forces
Source: a post by Ahmed Alshaker (a Sudanese official army officer on X), Sept/2024
Sudanese embassy in Muscat launched a digital platform for registering information for Sudanese citizens who violated the residency laws of Oman in order to be pardoned of their violations financial penalties and deported back to Sudan
Source: Hash Sudan, Sept/2024
Business in Articles
Business in Infographics & Photos
Business in Headlines
Sadagaat made a partnership with Cisco to provide teaching and e-learning services
Source: Sadagaat, Sept/2024
The port of Port Sudan is receiving around 300,000 containers annually
Source: Alsharq Sudan, Sept/2024
Land registration authorities in the State of Khartoum declares that all procedures of selling or buying lands after the 15th of April/2023 to be anulled
Source: Beam Reports, Sept/2024
Gezira University opened doors for those who want to enroll in masters and phd programs
Source: Gezira University, Sept/2024
Sudan consumes 43.2 tons of coffee beans
Source: Aljazeera, Sept/2024
Khartoum TV channel restarted its operations from Omdurman
Source: Wakeep, Sept/2024
Finance in Articles
Finance in Infographics & Photos
Finance in Headlines
Blue Nile Mashreg Bank offers the service of opening a bank account online from its mobile app
Source: Blue Nile Mashreg Bank, Sept/2024
Alnile Bank in Al-Qadaref declares that it will be open on Saturdays and will be open for 6 days weekly instead of only 5 days
Source: Alnile Bank, Sept/2024
Mohammed Al-Ghazali - Sudanese Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Russia - visited “Bank Center Credit” in Kazakhstan in order to facilitate business deals between Sudan and Kazakhstan
Source: Mohammed Al-Ghazali (Sudan’s ambassador to Kazakhstan and Russia), Sept/2024
Technology in Infographics & Photos
Technology in Headlines
Zain Sudan is to be the first telecom company in Sudan to offer internet data plans that would reach up to 1 TB
Source: Zain Sudan, Sept/2024
The Ministry of Interior urges all citizens to report all crimes and violations committed against them or witnessed by them to the police via the digital platform for reporting crimes and violations: www.sudanpolice.net
Source: Hash Sudan, Sept/2024
Past Events
Tenders, RFPs, RFQs, Bids
Awards, Prizes, Contests
Fellowships and Scholarships
That’s it for this month. Don’t forget to share this newsletter with your friends, family, and those who’re interested.
Ahmed El-Affendi.